Customized Water Level Indicator for the Ajmer Oasis Hotel

It is being more than 5 years, the customized water level indicator was supplied to the richest Oasis Resort in Ajmer, Rajasthan. The security guard of the resort had a high time to monitor the level of water in the tanks which is very far away from his cabin. As being a tourist spot, the management team struggled to fetch the security guy and inform him to maintain the level of water.


Ø  Level Indications for the tank.

Ø  High level and low level buzzer

Ø  Additional blinking light output for full tank & empty tank.

Ø  A Reset push button facility.


It was not a big deal for us. We were quite excited to do this peculiar customization for them. We thoroughly discussed with the management regarding their actual requirement and framed the requirements. One unit was designed and a short video was sent to them. They were fully satisfied and gave us 2 more orders.


This water level indicator was of much useful for them. As it was an Oasis, the surrounding area is only desert. Getting a fertile land amidst, and wastage of water – Just imagine! So, this water level indicator was the one-stop solution for their problem. To save water and its wastage, to save power consumption, this product was a real boon. The blinking light helped the security to see and acknowledge the situation very easily.

I believe that many resorts, hotels and restaurants can think of this product. Now with new look and increased quality, we are offering it in a better price.